Pedro F. Teixeira


Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

Educational Background:

PhD in Business Law from UERJ. Master in Civil Law from UERJ. Post-graduated in Business Law and Capital Markets by FGV Law Program. Undergraduated from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation (FGV-Rio).


Guest Professor at the FGV Law Program.
Professor at the Rio de Janeiro School of Magistrates.
Guest Professor at the LLM in Business Law at IBMEC/RJ.


President of the Business Law Commission of the OAB/RJ.

President of the Commission for Studies on the Anonymous Football Society of OAB/RJ.

Member of the IASP Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law Commission

Member of the Special Commission for Judicial and Extrajudicial Recovery and Bankruptcy of the OAB/RJ.

Member of the Turnaround Management Association of Brazil – TMA Brazil.


Bruno Prima

Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

Educational Background:

Specialist in Business Law and Bankruptcy and Corporate Recovery from FGV Rio. Postgraduate degree in Civil Procedural Law (latu sensu) from PUC-Rio. Undergraduated from Cândido Mendes University (UCAM).


Member of the Business Law Commission of the OAB-RJ.

Member and Secretary of the Special Commission for Small and Medium Enterprises of the OAB-RJ.

Member of the Turnaround Management Association of Brazil – TMA Brazil.

Priscila Butler

Portuguese, English, and Spanish.

Educational Background:

MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV – Rio). Postgraduate degree in Private Property Law from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-Rio). Undergraduated in Law from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC).


Member of the Business Law Commission of the OAB-RJ.

Associated to the Turnaround Management Association of Brazil – TMA Brazil.

Associated to the Center for Women in Corporate Restructuring – CRM.

Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo

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