innovative legal solutions



TPB Advogados was founded with the objective of serving its clients in a personalized and differentiated way, offering solutions of high technical quality in the civil and business areas, preventing conflicts and seeking a solution, when necessary.

Our Values

Our team has an avant-garde spirit and, through a hands-on philosophy, is prepared to offer innovative, creative and intelligent legal solutions, going beyond the mere resolution of conflicts and we completely immerse ourselves in the business of our clients.

Founding Partners

Pedro F. Teixeira

PhD in Business Law from UERJ. Master in Civil Law from UERJ. Postgraduate in Business Law and Capital Markets. President of the Business Law Commission of the OAB/RJ (Brazilian Bar Association). President of the Commission for Studies on the Anonymous Football Society of OAB/RJ. Member of the IASP Bankruptcy and Reorganization Law Commission. Member of the Special Commission for Judicial and Extrajudicial Recovery and Bankruptcy of the OAB/RJ. Guest Professor at the FGV Law Program. Professor at the Rio de Janeiro School of Magistrates. Invited Professor at the LLM in Business Law at IBMEC/RJ.

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Bruno Prima

Specialist in Business Law and Bankruptcy and Corporate Recovery from FGV Rio. Postgraduate degree in Civil Procedural Law (latu sensu) from PUC-Rio. Undergraduation from Cândido Mendes University (UCAM). Member of the Business Law Commission of the OAB-RJ (Brazilian Bar Association). Member and Secretary of the Special Commission for Small and Medium Enterprises of the OAB-RJ. Member of the Turnaround Management Association of Brazil – TMA Brazil.

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Priscila Butler

MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-Rio). Postgraduate degree in Private Property Law from the Pontifical Catholic University (PUC-Rio). Graduated in Law from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (IBMEC). Member of the Business Law Commission of the OAB/RJ (Brazilian Bar Association). Associated with the Turnaround Management Association of Brazil – TMA Brazil.



Recuperação Judicial: Tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o tema. (Judicial Recovery: Everything you need to know about the subject).

Rio de Janeiro

São Paulo

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